ICPH2007 - 3nd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health -


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November 28 (Wednesday)

9:00 Main Hall Room A Room D, E
9:30 ICoFF2007
Opening Ceremony:
Toshikazu Yoshikawa
10:10 Joint Keynote Lecture 1
Andrew L. Waterhouse
10:50 Joint Keynote Lecture 2
Keiko Abe
11:30 Joint Keynote Lecture 3
Young-Joon Surh
12:40 Invited Lecture 1
Angelo Azzi
Invited Lecture 2
Cesar Fraga
14:45 Joint Symposium 1
"Cancer Prevention I"
Joint Symposium 2
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Plenary Lecture 1
Barry Halliwell
16:00 Plenary Lecture 2
Gary Williamson
16:30 Plenary Lecture 3
Chung S. Yang
16:45 Coffee Break
17:15 Plenary Lecture 4
Carl Keen
17:45 Plenary Lecture 5
Keizo Umegaki
18:15 Plenary Lecture 6
Augustin Scalbert
18:30 ICPH2007 Closing Remarks:
Junji Terao
19:30 Poster Session

Joint Keynote Lecture 1    9:30-10:10

Chairperson: Toshihiko Osawa, Japan
Polyphenols and inflammatory effects
Andrew Waterhouse, USA

Joint Keynote Lecture 2    10:10-10:50

Chairperson: Shaw Watanabe, Japan
Genomics for food functionality and palatability
Keiko Abe, Japan

Joint Keynote Lecture 3    10:50-11:30

Chairperson: Hajime Ohigashi, Japan
Searching for molecular targets of chemopreventive and chemoprotective phytochemicals: Signal transduction network as a road map
Young-Joon Surh, Republic of Korea

Invited Lecture 1    11:40-12:40

Chairperson: Toshikazu Yoshikawa, Japan
Molecular mechanism of α-tocopherol action
Angelo Azzi, USA

* Invited Lecture 1 is Co-organized with 19th Meeting of Japanese Vitamin E Research Association.

Invited Lecture 2    11:40-12:40

Chairperson: Junji Terao, Japan
Phytonutrients as antioxidants: Where are we?
Cesar Fraga, USA

Joint Symposium 1    12:45-14:45
Cancer Prevention I

Chairpersons: Zigang Dong, USA
                          Hyong Joo Lee, Republic of Korea
Targeting inflammation for prevention and treatment of cancer: Food for thought
Bharat B. Aggarwal, USA
Molecular action of cancer-preventive effect of cocoa polyphenols
Hyong Joo Lee, Republic of Korea
Green tea polyphenol EGCG signaling through 67kDa laminin receptor
Hirofumi Tachibana, Japan
Molecular targets of polyphenols on cancer prevention
Zigang Dong, USA
Up-regulation of GADD153 gene with combination of green tea polyphenol and cancer preventive agent is a new mechanism of cancer prevention
Masami Suganuma, Japan

Joint Symposium 2    12:45-14:45

Chairpersons: Johanna W. Lampe, USA
                          Mariko Uehara, Japan
Phytoestrogens: Interindividual variation in their metabolism and impact on biologic response
Johanna.W.Lampe, USA
Dietary soy and risk of breast cancer
Chisato Nagata, Japan
Effects of soybean isoflavones on bone health and its safety in postmenopausal Japanese women
Yoshiko Ishimi, Japan
Lignans and human health
Herman Adlercreutz, Finland
Microbial and dietary factors associated with the equol and 8-prenylnaringenin producer phenotypes
Selin Bolca, Belgium

Plenary Lecture 1    15:00-15:30

Chairperson: Hitoshi Ashida, Japan
Are polyphenols good, bad, or indifferent?
Barry Halliwell, Singapore

Plenary Lecture 2    15:30-16:00

Chairperson: Kazuki Kanazawa, Japan
Factors affecting the bioavailability of polyphenols
Gary Williamson, Switzerland

Plenary Lecture 3    16:00-16:30

Chairperson: Mamoru Isemura, Japan
Tea and cancer prevention: Mechanisms and human relevance
Chung S. Yang, USA

Plenary Lecture 4    16:45-17:15

Chairperson: Teruo Miyazawa, Japan
Evidence for a positive influence of flavanols on vascular health
Carl Keen, USA

Plenary Lecture 5    17:15-17:45

Chairperson: Cesar Fraga, USA
Evaluation of polyphenol safety focused on chromosomal damage and interaction with drugs
Keizo Umegaki, Japan

Plenary Lecture 6    17:45-18:15

Chairperson: Makoto Shimizu, Japan
Unraveling the complex links between dietary polyphenols and health :
Think global rather than targeted.
Augustin Scalbert, France

ICPH2007 - 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health -