November 26 (Monday)
Symposium 1 08:30-10:25
Food Chemistry Chairpersons: Andrew L. Waterhouse, USA
Sato, Japan
Agricultures influence on food composition: A comparison of flavonoids
in organic and conventionally grown tomatoes
Alyson Mitchell, USA |
The polymerization degree and the stereochemistry of procyanidins affect
the physiological functions of the cells
Toshihiko Shoji, Japan |
Effect of food processing on polyphenol bioavailability
Francisco A Tomas-Barberan, Spain |
Understanding and modulating flavonoid biosynthesis in plants
Loïc Lepiniec, France |
Antioxidation reaction mechanism of polyphenols, caffeic acid and related compounds
Toshiya Masuda, Japan |
Symposium 2 08:30-10:25
Allergy & Inflammation Chairpersons: Hisanori Suzuki, Italy
Maeda-Yamamoto, Japan
Anti-allergic action of O-methylated catechin in green tea
Mari Maeda-Yamamoto, Japan |
Dietary apple procyanidins inhibit the development of oral sensitization and food allergies
Hiroshi Akiyama, Japan |
Targeting STAT1 by epigallocatechin gallate, myricetin and delphinidin provides efficient protection in ischemia/reperfusion-Induced heart injury
Hisanori Suzuki, Italy |
Vascular protection by grape-derived polyphenols
Valérie B. Schini-Kerth, France |
Modulation of the signaling NF-kB activation pathway by polyphenols in human intestinal Caco-2 cells
Beatrice Romier-Crouzet, Belgium |
Symposium 3 10:45-12:40
Bioavailability & Metabolism Chairpersons: Herman Adlercreutz, Finland
Crozier, UK
Absorption and metabolism of flavonoids from standard portions of various fruits - Impact of processing, dose and subject variation
Paul A Kroon, UK |
Bioavailability of dietary lignans in humans
José Luis Peñalvo, Spain |
Immunochemical characterization of dietaty flavonoid metabolites in aorta:
Implication in the anti-atherosclerosis effect
Yoshichika Kawai, Japan |
Human and animal studies on the bioavailability and metabolism of dietary phenolics
Alan Crozier, UK |
Conversion of procyanidins by human intestinal microbiota
Annett Braune, Germany |
Symposium 4 10:45-12:40
Cognitive Function Chairpersons: Jeremy Spencer, UK
Suzuki, Japan
Green tea consumption and cognitive function: A cross-sectional study
Shinichi Kuriyama, Japan |
Flavonoids as neurotrophic factors
Pamela Maher, USA |
Molecular mechanisms underlying the cognitive effects of polyphenols
Jeremy Spencer, UK |
Proteomic profiling for evaluating the neuroprotective mechanism of green tea polyphenols: Prospective for neurodegenerative disease therapy
Orly Weinreb, Israel |
Curcumin attenuates diabetic encephalopathy in rats: Behavioral, biochemical
& anti-inflammatory evidences
Anurag Kuhad, India |
Symposium 5 13:40-15:35
Pharmaceuticals Chairpersons: Tsutomu Hatano, Japan
Yoshida, Japan
In vitro immunomodulatory effects of polyphenols on macrophages
Herbert Kolodziej, Germany |
Antioxidant, antimalarial and antimicrobial activities of polyphenols from Punica granatum L.
Daneel Ferreira, USA |
New aspects of green tea catechins in relation to DNA and RNA molecules
Takashi Kuzuhara, Japan |
Functional evaluation of polyphenols as alternative medicine
Hiroshi Sakagami, Japan |
Nasal administration of quercetin liposomes improves anti-depression like effect and enhances memory
Wathita Phachonpai, Thailand |
Sponsored symposium 1 13:40-16:55
Tea and Health Chairpersons: Balz Frei, USA
Visioli, France
Polyphenols in cardiovascular disease: Effects on endothelial function
Joseph A. Vita, USA
Recent epidemiologic studies on green tea consumption and cancer risk in Japan
Manami Inoue, Japan |
Chemoprevention of human prostate cancer by oral administration of green tea catechins
Saverio Bettuzzi, Italy |
Effects of white tea, caffeine and EGCG on 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)-Induced tumorigenesis and β-catenin expression
Roderick H. Dashwood, USA |
Does tea reduce body weight and alleviate diabetes?
Chung S. Yang, USA |
Paradoxical effects of green tea and antioxidant vitamins in diabetes:
Improved oxidant stress but worsened carbonyl stress
Vincent M. Monnier, USA
* This symposium is sponsored by Mitsui Norin, Kao, Linus Pauling Institute,
DSM, and Te Infre. |