ICHP2007 - 3nd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health -


Program PDF Download

November 27 (Tuesday)

Room A Room B1
Symposium 6
Metabolic Syndrome
Symposium 7
Coffee & Tea Break
Symposium 9
Oxidative Stress & Cell Signaling
Symposium 8
Lunch (Sakura)
Symposium 10
Epidemiology & Intervention study
Sponsored symposium 2
Coffee & Tea Break
17:00 Poster session & Exhibition
(Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto)

Symposium 6  08:30-10:25
Metabolic Syndrome

Chairpersons: Gary Williamson, UK
                          Yoshinobu Kiso, Japan
Tea and cinnamon polyphenols improve the metabolic syndrome
Richard A. Anderson, USA
The effect of dietary flavonoids on cardiovascular risk
Kevin D Croft, Australia
Prevention of metabolic syndrome by oolong tea polymerized polyphenols and sesamin
Yoshinobu Kiso, Japan
Regulation of adipocyte function by polyphenols-Possibility of preventing the metabolic syndrome-
Takanori Tsuda, Japan

Symposium 7  08:30-10:25

Chairpersons: Chi-Tang Ho, USA
                          Kayoko Shimoi, Japan
Chemistry and biology of polymethoxyflavones and hydroxylated polymethoxyflavones
Chi-Tang Ho, USA
Nobiletin treatment and the prevention of atherosclerosis in a mouse model of the disease
Stewart C. Whitman, Canada
Versatile effects of citrus polymethoxyflavonoids on inflammatory cells
Akira Murakami, Japan
Antiproliferative and antimetastatic potential of methoxyflavonoids derived from Artemisia plants
Hye-Kyung Na, Republic of Korea
Flavonoid metabolites mono-O-methylated at the B ring are inhibitors of endothelial NADPH oxidase activity
Tankred Schewe, Germany

Symposium 8  10:45-12:40

Chairpersons: Roger Corder, UK
                          Ichiro Matsumoto, Japan
Impact of sesame lignans affecting gene expression profile in rat liver
Takashi Ide, Japan
Procyanidin regulation of the vascular endothelium - From genes to function
Roger Corder, UK
Ilex paraguariensis herbal extract-induced changes in the visceral adipose tissue gene expression profile of rats fed high-fat diet
Taesun Park, Republic of Korea
The effect of quercetin on ER stress at intestinal epithelia
Yayoi Natsume, Japan

Symposium 9  10:45-12:40
Oxidative Stress & Cell Signaling

Chairpersons: Barry Halliwell, Singapore
                          Tsutomu Nakayama, Japan
Beneficial effects of phenolic acids and their role in antiobesity
Gow-Chin Yen, Taiwan
Polyphenols and genomic instability: From molecules to man
Susan J. Duthie, UK
Disruption of defense mechanisms against oxidative damage in nucleic acids and the affect of polyphenols
Yusaku Nakabeppu, Japan
Modulation of transcription factor NF-kB by flavan-3 ols and procyanidins
Patricia I. Oteiza, USA
Protective effects of quercetin and its human conjugated metabolites on cardiovascular disease
Federica Lodi, UK

Symposium 10  13:40-15:35
Epidemiology & Intervention study

Chairpersons: Adrian Franke, USA
                          Peter C.H. Hollman, The Netherlands
Polyphenols and health: Evidence from epidemiology and intervention studies
Peter C.H. Hollman, The Netherlands
Prospective studies of green tea and cancer and cardiovascular disease in Japan
Yoshitaka Tsubono, Japan
Soy isoflavones: Bioavailability and breast cancer preventive effects
Adrian Franke, USA
Dietary and endogenous redox network: The antioxidant "weight" of flavonoids rich foods
Mauro Serafini, Italy
Intake of flavonoids and risk of cancer in Finnish men: The Kuopio ischaemic heart disease risk factor study
Jaakko Mursu, Finland

Sponsored symposium 2  13:40-15:35

Chairpersons: Andrew L. Waterhouse, USA
                          De-Xing Hou, Japan
Bilberry anthocyanins and biological activities
De-Xing Hou, Japan
Biological behaviors of bilberry anthocyanins
Takashi Ichiyanagi, Japan
Biodiscovery of antioxidants from Australian bush foods
Izabela Konczak, Australia
New perspectives and medical application of the Vaccinium myrtillus extract
Ezio Bombardelli, Italy

* This symposium is sponsored by Natural Way Co., Ltd.

ICPH2007 - 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health -