November 27 (Tuesday)
Room A |
Room B1 |
8:30 |
Symposium 6
Metabolic Syndrome |
Symposium 7
(Poly)methoxyflavonoids |
10:25 |
Coffee & Tea Break |
10:45 |
Symposium 9
Oxidative Stress & Cell Signaling |
Symposium 8
Nutrigenomics |
12:40 |
Lunch (Sakura) |
13:40 |
Symposium 10
Epidemiology & Intervention study |
Sponsored symposium 2
Anthocyanin |
15:35 |
Coffee & Tea Break |
16:00 |
17:00 |
Poster session & Exhibition |
19:00 |
(Grand Prince Hotel Kyoto) |
Symposium 6 08:30-10:25
Metabolic Syndrome
Chairpersons: Gary Williamson, UK
Kiso, Japan
Tea and cinnamon polyphenols improve the metabolic syndrome
Richard A. Anderson, USA |
The effect of dietary flavonoids on cardiovascular risk
Kevin D Croft, Australia |
Prevention of metabolic syndrome by oolong tea polymerized polyphenols and sesamin
Yoshinobu Kiso, Japan |
Regulation of adipocyte function by polyphenols-Possibility of preventing the metabolic syndrome-
Takanori Tsuda, Japan |
Symposium 7 08:30-10:25
(Poly)methoxyflavonoids Chairpersons: Chi-Tang Ho, USA
Shimoi, Japan
Chemistry and biology of polymethoxyflavones and hydroxylated polymethoxyflavones
Chi-Tang Ho, USA |
Nobiletin treatment and the prevention of atherosclerosis in a mouse model of the disease
Stewart C. Whitman, Canada |
Versatile effects of citrus polymethoxyflavonoids on inflammatory cells
Akira Murakami, Japan |
Antiproliferative and antimetastatic potential of methoxyflavonoids derived from Artemisia plants
Hye-Kyung Na, Republic of Korea |
Flavonoid metabolites mono-O-methylated at the B ring are inhibitors of endothelial NADPH oxidase activity
Tankred Schewe, Germany |
Symposium 8 10:45-12:40
Nutrigenomics Chairpersons: Roger Corder, UK
Matsumoto, Japan
Impact of sesame lignans affecting gene expression profile in rat liver
Takashi Ide, Japan |
Procyanidin regulation of the vascular endothelium - From genes to function
Roger Corder, UK |
Ilex paraguariensis herbal extract-induced changes in the visceral adipose
tissue gene expression profile of rats fed high-fat diet
Taesun Park, Republic of Korea |
The effect of quercetin on ER stress at intestinal epithelia
Yayoi Natsume, Japan |
Symposium 9 10:45-12:40
Oxidative Stress & Cell Signaling Chairpersons: Barry Halliwell, Singapore
Nakayama, Japan
Beneficial effects of phenolic acids and their role in antiobesity
Gow-Chin Yen, Taiwan |
Polyphenols and genomic instability: From molecules to man
Susan J. Duthie, UK |
Disruption of defense mechanisms against oxidative damage in nucleic acids
and the affect of polyphenols
Yusaku Nakabeppu, Japan |
Modulation of transcription factor NF-kB by flavan-3 ols and procyanidins
Patricia I. Oteiza, USA |
Protective effects of quercetin and its human conjugated metabolites on cardiovascular disease
Federica Lodi, UK |
Symposium 10 13:40-15:35
Epidemiology & Intervention study
Chairpersons: Adrian Franke, USA
C.H. Hollman, The Netherlands
Polyphenols and health: Evidence from epidemiology and intervention studies
Peter C.H. Hollman, The Netherlands |
Prospective studies of green tea and cancer and cardiovascular disease in Japan
Yoshitaka Tsubono, Japan |
Soy isoflavones: Bioavailability and breast cancer preventive effects
Adrian Franke, USA |
Dietary and endogenous redox network: The antioxidant "weight" of flavonoids rich foods
Mauro Serafini, Italy |
Intake of flavonoids and risk of cancer in Finnish men: The Kuopio ischaemic heart disease risk factor study
Jaakko Mursu, Finland |
Sponsored symposium 2 13:40-15:35
Anthocyanin Chairpersons: Andrew L. Waterhouse, USA
Hou, Japan
Bilberry anthocyanins and biological activities
De-Xing Hou, Japan |
Biological behaviors of bilberry anthocyanins
Takashi Ichiyanagi, Japan |
Biodiscovery of antioxidants from Australian bush foods
Izabela Konczak, Australia |
New perspectives and medical application of the Vaccinium myrtillus extract
Ezio Bombardelli, Italy
* This symposium is sponsored by Natural Way Co., Ltd. |