ICHP2007 - 3nd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health -

What's New

2007.11.20 Program PDF file is available on the program page.
2007.11.14 On-site information released.
2007.10.31 Online conference registration closed.
On-site registration is available during the conference.
2007.10.31 Poster setup date has been changed to Nov. 26 8:00-11:00.
2007.10.26 CFP evaluation list released.
2007.09.26 Instructions for the presenters released.
2007.08.10 Acceptance letter was delivered by email. If you have not received the
acceptance letter, please do not hesitate to email ICPH2007 secretariat
at icph2007-office@e-side.co.jp

Junji Terao, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Nutrition and Biosciences
The University of Tokushima,
Tokushima, Japan


Kyoto International Conference Center

Vice President

Tojiro Tsushida, Ph.D.
Food Function Division,
National Food Research Institute, Japan


c/o e-side, inc.
Yasuda Bldg. 3F.,
Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto 602-0855, Japan
Phone: +81-75-213-7057
Fax: +81-75-213-7058
E-mail: ICPH2007-office@e-side.co.jp

Secretary General

Hitoshi Ashida, Ph.D.
Department of Biofunctional Chemistry,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Kobe University, Japan

Important Dates

June 30, 2007Abstract Submission Deadline

August 31, 2007Early Bird Registration Deadline

October 31, 2007On Line Registration Deadline

November 6, 2007Hotel Reservation Deadline

Supported by the Commemorative Organization for the Japan World Exposition ('70)

CocaCola Asahi Beer Suntory itoen
Nichirei Mars Botanical 

ICPH2007 - 3rd International Conference on Polyphenols and Health -